
Welcome!Please don't copy just save the pics in your computor please

Saturday, January 16, 2010

My site is up!

Hey everyone my site is up!It isn't very good so.Well check out this http://www.cassidyswinxworld.yolasite.com but you don't have to type http:// just type in www.cassidyswinxworld.yolasite.com


  1. Hey Cassidy! It is way cool that you have your own website! I am sure you are going to have a lot of fun with it! =)

  2. Thanks Angela!Well a site comes with difuculties like my site has been opened only for 2 days now and an imposter comes along impersonating me!I'm sure i'll have alot of fun too!All it has is a few pics of my own charecters and the Winx.Well thanks for commenting!
